1번 중고 농기계 포스트
(판매물품:펫렛난로 판매합니다
펫럿난로 판매합니다 대형싸이즈입니다
하우스,공장등등 다용도로 사용하시면 정말좋습니다
겨울철 필수품으로 많이 농가에서 사용되는제품입니다
작동잘되고 상태좋습니다
전지역 택배가능합니다~
(Item on sale: Petlet stove is on sale
Sales area: Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Sales price: 300,000 won
Contact information: 010-3946-2219
It's selling pet stove.k.a pet stove It's a big size
It's really good to use for many purposes such as houses, factories, etc
It's a must-have item for winter and is used a lot by farmers
It's working fine and in good condition
Sales price: 300,000 won
Delivery is available in all regions)
2번 중고 농기계 포스트
(🎈.판매물품 :LS LT47트랙터 47마력(본기.로더.로터리)
🎈.판매지역 :전남 (농가위탁)
🎈.판매가격 :650만원 (사용시간1400시간)
🎈.전화번호 :010 4916 5977
🎈.사진(기타):(로더신품부착 원터치부착) 엔진밋션 이상없고 잘돌아갑니다 오일교환 밧데리교환 이상태로판매합니다
(🎈. Products on sale: LSLT47 Tractor 47 horsepower (main machine, loader, rotary)
🎈. Sales area: Jeonnam (consignment to farmhouse)
🎈. Sales price: 6.5 million won (1400 hours of use)
🎈. Phone number: 01049165977
🎈. Photo (others): (one-touch attachment) Engine mission is fine and works well. Oil exchange battery exchange is on sale this way)
3번 중고 농기계 포스트
(판매물품:전동형 운반차 판매합니다
농업용 전동운반차 판매합니다
작녁에 새것구입해서 딱한번사용하고 잘보관해둔
전동형운반입니다 (새제품수준입니다) 과수원수확물,비료,퇴비등등 다용도 운반용으로 사용하시면 아주편리하고 좋습니다 전동형이구 작동법이 간단해서 여성분들도 무난하게 사용하실수있습니다
직접오셔서 시운전 마음껏해보시고 구입하셔도되고 전지역 화물로 배송도가능합니다
(Goods Sold: Electric Carrier on sale
Sales area: Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Sales price: 2.1 million won
Contact information: 010-3946-2219
We sell agricultural electric vehicles
I bought a new one for the first time, used it once, and stored it well
It's an electric transport (new product level) It is very convenient and good to use for multipurpose transportation such as fruit tree harvests, fertilizers, compost, etc The electric tool is simple to operate, so women can use it easily
You can come and test-drive it yourself and purchase it, or you can ship it with all local cargoes
Sales price: 2.1 million won~)
4번 중고 농기계 포스트
(물품명: 철재 캐비넷 사물함
1. 판매지역 :경기도 광주
2. 판매가격 :6개 일괄45만원
3. 생산년도 :
4. 전화번호 :김태우 010~5260~9562
5. 기타 안내사항 등
철재 캐비넷 사물함 입니다
철재 캐비넷 6개 일괄 입니다
열쇠는 없습니다
가로 92 세로 47 높이 110센티
6개 일괄 45만원 입니다
경기도 광주
(Item name: Steel cabinet locker
1. Sales area: Gwangju, Gyeonggi-do
2. Sales price: 450,000 won for 6 pieces
3. Production year:
4. Phone number: Kim Taewoo 010-5260-9562
5. Other guidance, etc
It's a steel cabinet locker
It's a package of 6 metal cabinets
I'm in good condition
I don't have a key
The size is
Width 92 Length 47 Height 110 cm
It is.
It's 450,000 won for 6 pieces
Gwangju, Gyeonggi Province
The contact number is
5번 중고 농기계 포스트
(판매물품:아세아SS기 판매합니다
아세아SS기 판매합니다
500리터이구요 약차전용입니다
파워해들이라 핸들아주부드럽게 잘돌아갑니다
스프레이 약분사 아주잘되고 모든기능 완벽하게 정상작동 잘됩니다 면세유등록 바로가능합니다
전지역 화물로 배송가능합니다~
(Items on sale: ASIA SS machines are on sale
Sales area: Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do
Sales price: 4.5 million won
Contact information: 010-3946-2219
We're selling ASIA SS
It's 500 liters It's for herbal tea only
It's a power handle, so the handle turns smoothly
The spray spray is very good and everything works perfectly Duty-free oil registration is possible right away
Sales price: 4.5 million won
I can ship it with local freight)