1번 중고 농기계 포스트
(지역 다부ic5분거리
연락처 010 8585 9096
한성 500리터 운반차겸용 팝니다
2륜4륜 조향까지 가능하며
아반떼 엔진이며
전체적 작동상태 좋으며
판매금액 1100만원
) (Local Dabuc 5 mins away Contact 01085859096 It's also for Hansung's 500 liter carry-on sale Two-wheel, four-wheel steering It's an Avante engine It's working fine You can use it right away Duty-free milk is available Sales amount 11 million won #Hansung #HansungT&I #ss machine #used as a truck) (물품명: 아세아G3 약차전용 판매지역 : 다부ic부근 판매가격 : 600만원 전화번호 : 01085859096 5. 기타 안사항 등: 아세아 G3약차전용 500리터 입니다 전체적 작동상태좋습니다 바로사용하시면되고 면세유가능합니다 판매금액 600만원입니다 #아세아#500리터#약차전용 ) (Item name: Asia G3 Pharmaceutical Tea Only Sales area: near Dabuki Sales price: 6 million won Phone number: 01085859096 5. Other matters, etc.: It's 500 liters for ASIA G3 herbal tea It's working fine You can use it right away. You can use duty-free milk The sales amount is 6 million won #Acea #500 litres #For medicinal purposes only) (♡지역 구미 ♡연락처 010 8585 9096 ss기 600리터 운반차 겸용 입니다 2륜4륜조향가능하며 전체적으로 수리완료 했으며 덤프 리프트 작동상태 전체적으로 좋습니다 바로 사용하시면되고 면세가능하며 판매금액 750만원입니다. #ss기#600리터#운반차겸용 ) (♡Regional Europe and America ♡ Contact 01085859096 It's also used as a 600-liter ss carrier Two-wheel four-wheel steering available It's been repaired Dump lift operation overall good You can use it right away It's tax-free and the sales amount is 7.5 million won. #ss machine #600 liters #use for truck) (#명절선물예약받아요 #올해는날씨가좋아서ㅡ감사하게도ㅡ꿀이진하고좋네요 #좋은꿀이많아서너무너무행복해요ㅡ01042115571 #밤꿀할인ㅡ1병ㅡ5만원 #로얄제리행사1병3만원5+1ㅡ15만원.10+2ㅡ28만원 #뇌명실대폭할인 #아카시아꿀잡화꿀할인 ❤아카시아꿀 ㅡ햇꿀 한병ㅡ38000 2병 ㅡ75000 6병 ㅡ21만원 ❤잡화꿀ㅡ햇꿀 한병ㅡ38000원 2병ㅡ75000 6병ㅡ21만원 ❤뇌명실 ㅡ최상품 알이 크고 신선해요 1통ㅡ23000 2통 ㅡ4만원 3+1 4통 ㅡ6만원 500그람지퍼팩 ㅡ6만원 500그람2팩은 ㅡ11만원 뇌명실꿀절임1.6키로 ㅡ75000 (뇌명실 500그람 +천연꿀) #천연꽃꿀ㅡ인정받는좋은꿀ㅡ월출산꿀ㅡ꿀이좋아요 #좋ㅡ은꿀과함께건강을선물해드립니다 #생산자_직거래ㅡ100프로순수천연꽃꿀 #모든카드가능해요 ##주문은ㅡ문자주세요ㅡ010ㅡ4211ㅡ5571 앞으로도 월출산꿀은 회원님들 한 분 한 분을 소중히 여기고, 감사와겸손을 잃지 않은 채, ㅡㅡ 한결같은 마음으로 좋은 꿀을 공급해드리겠습니다~~^^ ❤아카시아꿀 햇꿀 한병 ㅡ38000 2병 ㅡ75000 6병 ㅡ21만원 아카시아꿀 숙성꿀 ㅡ5만원 ♡ 도매문의환영 ❤ 잡화꿀 한병ㅡ38000원 2병 ㅡ75000 6병 ㅡ21만원 두병부터 무료배송 ❤봉개숙성꿀할인 ㅡ55000원 (맛도좋고 향도좋고 효과까지좋은 엄청좋은꿀) 때죽나무꿀 할인ㅡ5만원ㅡ폐가좋아하는꿀 ❤밤꿀할인ㅡ자연숙성꿀 ㅡ햇꿀ㅡ위가좋아하는꿀 효과좋기로 유명한 월출산밤꿀 한병 ㅡ5만원 2병ㅡ10만원 6병 ㅡ29만원 두병부터 무료배송 ❤화분한병ㅡ35000ㅡ1키로 화분두병 ㅡ69000 2022년 햇화분 ❤헛개나무꿀할인ㅡ간이좋아하는꿀 헛개나무꿀한병ㅡ45000원 헛개나무꿀6병 ㅡ26만원 모든제품 2병부터 무료배송 ❤감로꿀 ㅡ5만원 ㅡ완판 ❤프로폴리스할인 ㅡ100미리 프로폴리스한병 ㅡ35000원 프로폴리스2병 ㅡ7만원 ❤로얄제리할인ㅡ50그람 2병ㅡ65000 5+1 6병 ㅡ15만원 10+2 12병ㅡ28만원 ❤목청할인600그람 ㅡ15만원 1.2키로 ㅡ28만원 ●자연산 목청 ㅡ벌집채로ㅡ완판 ❤면역세트ㅡ로얄킹 헛개꿀한병+ 프로폴리스1병+ 화분반병+로얄제리3병 (19만원) 헛개꿀한병+ 프로폴리스1병 +화분반병 +로얄제리10병 (35만원) ❤광주매장 방문구매혜택 아카시아꿀 ㅡ35000원 아카시아꿀 숙성꿀 ㅡ5만원 밤꿀 ㅡ5만원 잡화꿀 ㅡ35000 때죽나무꿀할인ㅡ5만원 헛개나무꿀ㅡ45000 화분 ㅡ35000 프로폴리스 ㅡ35000 봉개숙성잡화꿀할인 ㅡ55000원 영업시간 10ㅡ7시 ㅡ월 ~토 주일은 쉽니다 상호명 ㅡ 월출산꿀벌이야기 사업자번호 410_32_29073 통신판매번호 2018_광주서구ㅡ0052 대표자 유미희 연락처 01042115571 주소 광주광역시 서구 광천동 이메일 miheeyoo96@hanmail.net 원산지 ㅡ꿀 ㅡ국내산 택배사 ㅡ로젠택배 ) (#Please make a reservation for the holiday gift #Because the weather is nice this year - thankfully -it's nice and sweet #I'm so happy because there are so many good honey-01042115571 #Bam honey discount - 50,000 won for 1 bottle #RoyalJerry event 30,000 won, 50,000 won, and 150,000 won.10+2-280,000 won #Big discount on brain name #Acacia honey miscellaneous goods honey discount ❤ Acacia honey - sweet honey One bottle - 38000 2 bottles - 75000 6 bottles - 210,000 won ❤ Miscellaneous goods honey-honey One bottle - 38,000 won 2 bottles - 75000 6 bottles - 210,000 won ❤ Brain name thread - Best product The eggs are big and fresh 1 container 23000 Two bottles - 40,000 won 3+1 4 bottles - 60,000 won 500 gram zipper pack - 60,000 won 2 packs of 500 grams are -110,000 won Brain name honey pickle 1.6kg -75000 (Brain name 500 grams + natural honey) #Naturalflower honey-Good honey that is recognized-Wolchulsan honey-I like honey #Good-EunHoney and Health Gifts you good health #Producer_Direct Trade - 100 Proprietary Natural Flower Honey #You can play any card ##Order - please text me-010-4211-5571 In the future, Wolchulsan honey I cherish each and every member, Without losing gratitude and humility, -- With a constant heart, good honey I'll supply it to you~~^^ ❤ Acacia honey, honey One bottle - 38000 2 bottles - 75000 6 bottles - 210,000 won Acacia honey aged honey - 50,000 won ♡ Wholesale inquiries are welcome ❤ miscellaneous goods honey One bottle - 38,000 won Two bottles - 75000 6 bottles - 210,000 won Free shipping from two bottles ❤Baggy ripening honey discount - KRW 55,000 (It tastes good, smells good, and has a good effect) Bunjuk Tree Honey Discount - 50,000 won - Honey that lungs like ❤ Chestnut honey discount-Natural ripening honey-Haet honey-The honey that the stomach likes Wolchulsan Night Honey, which is famous for its effectiveness One bottle - 50,000 won Two bottles - 100,000 won 6 bottles - 290,000 won Free shipping from two bottles ❤ Flower Bottle - 35,000-1 kg Flowerpot Head Bottle - 69000 2022 New Year's Pot ❤ Honey discount on oriental raisin tree-honey that liver likes One bottle of oriental raisin honey - KRW 45,000 6 bottles of oriental raisin honey - 260,000 won Free shipping from 2 bottles of all products ❤ Gamro honey - 50,000 won - Sold out ❤Propolis Discount - 100 mm One bottle of propolis - KRW 35,000 2 bottles of propolis - 70,000 won ❤Royal Jerry Discount - 50 Grams 2 bottles-65000 5+1 6 bottles - 150,000 won 10+2 12 bottles - KRW 280,000 ❤ Mokcheong Discount 600 Grams - 150,000 won 1.2kg - 280,000 won ● Natural wood - Honeycomb - Sold out ❤Immune Set-Royal King One bottle of oriental honey + 1 bottle of propolis + half pot + 3 bottles of royal jelly (190,000 won) One bottle of oriental honey + 1 bottle of propolis + half pot + 10 bottles of royal jelly (350,000 won) ❤ Visit Gwangju store to purchase benefits Acacia honey - 35,000 won Acacia honey aged honey - 50,000 won Chestnut honey - 50,000 won Miscellaneous goods honey - 35000 Bunjuk Tree Honey Discount - 50,000 won oriental raisin honey-45000 Flowerpot - 35000 Propolis - 35000 Bonggae Mature Miscellaneous Goods Honey Discount - 55,000 won Business Hours 10-7:00 - Monday - Saturday I'm off on weekdays Name of the company - Wolchulsan Honeybee Story Business number 410_32_29073 Mail order number 2018_Gwangju Seo-gu-0052 Representative Yoo Mihee Contact 01042115571 Address Gwangcheon-dong, Seo-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City 이메일 miheeyoo96@hanmail.net Country of origin - Honey - Domestic Delivery Service - Rosen Courier) (알림니다 꼭 확인 하시고 또 확인 하세요 010❤☆8425❤☆6667 전화번호 사기꾼 대금 송금받고 물건 안보냄 사기꾼 이름 김병근 ) (It's a notification, so make sure to check it out Check it out again 010❤☆8425❤☆6667 a phone number swindler goods after receiving remittance I can't smell it. A con artist's name is Kim Byunggeun)
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