1번 중고 농기계 포스트
❤아카시아꿀 ㅡ햇꿀
한병ㅡ38000 2병 ㅡ75000 6병 ㅡ21만원
한병ㅡ38000원 2병ㅡ75000 6병ㅡ21만원
❤뇌명실 ㅡ최상품
알이 크고 신선해요
2통 ㅡ4만원
3+1 4통 ㅡ6만원
500그람지퍼팩 ㅡ6만원
500그람2팩은 ㅡ11만원
뇌명실꿀절임1.6키로 ㅡ75000
(뇌명실 500그람 +천연꿀)
앞으로도 월출산꿀은
회원님들 한 분 한 분을 소중히 여기고,
감사와겸손을 잃지 않은 채, ㅡㅡ
한결같은 마음으로 좋은 꿀을
❤아카시아꿀 햇꿀
한병 ㅡ38000 2병 ㅡ75000 6병 ㅡ21만원
아카시아꿀 숙성꿀 ㅡ5만원
♡ 도매문의환영
❤ 잡화꿀
2병 ㅡ75000
6병 ㅡ21만원
두병부터 무료배송
❤봉개숙성꿀할인 ㅡ55000원
(맛도좋고 향도좋고 효과까지좋은 엄청좋은꿀)
때죽나무꿀 할인ㅡ5만원ㅡ폐가좋아하는꿀
❤밤꿀할인ㅡ자연숙성꿀 ㅡ햇꿀ㅡ위가좋아하는꿀
효과좋기로 유명한 월출산밤꿀
한병 ㅡ5만원
6병 ㅡ29만원
두병부터 무료배송
화분두병 ㅡ69000
2022년 햇화분
헛개나무꿀6병 ㅡ26만원
2병부터 무료배송
❤감로꿀 ㅡ5만원 ㅡ완판
❤프로폴리스할인 ㅡ100미리
프로폴리스한병 ㅡ35000원
프로폴리스2병 ㅡ7만원
5+1 6병 ㅡ15만원
10+2 12병ㅡ28만원
❤목청할인600그람 ㅡ15만원
1.2키로 ㅡ28만원
●자연산 목청 ㅡ벌집채로ㅡ완판
헛개꿀한병+ 프로폴리스1병+ 화분반병+로얄제리3병
헛개꿀한병+ 프로폴리스1병 +화분반병 +로얄제리10병
●사양꿀 ㅡ2.4키로ㅡ완판
6병 ㅡ10만원
❤광주매장 방문구매혜택
아카시아꿀 ㅡ35000원
아카시아꿀 숙성꿀 ㅡ5만원
밤꿀 ㅡ5만원
잡화꿀 ㅡ35000
화분 ㅡ35000
프로폴리스 ㅡ35000
봉개숙성잡화꿀할인 ㅡ55000원
영업시간 10ㅡ7시 ㅡ월 ~토
주일은 쉽니다
상호명 ㅡ 월출산꿀벌이야기
사업자번호 410_32_29073
통신판매번호 2018_광주서구ㅡ0052
대표자 유미희
연락처 01042115571
주소 광주광역시 서구 광천동
이메일 miheeyoo96@hanmail.net
원산지 ㅡ꿀 ㅡ국내산
택배사 ㅡ로젠택배
) (#Because the weather is nice this year - thankfully -it's nice and sweet #I'm so happy because there are so many good honey-01042115571 #Bam honey discount - 50,000 won for 1 bottle #RoyalJerry event 30,000 won, 50,000 won, and 150,000 won.10+2-280,000 won #Big discount on brain name #Acacia honey miscellaneous goods honey discount ❤ Acacia honey - sweet honey One bottle - 38000 2 bottles - 75000 6 bottles - 210,000 won ❤ Miscellaneous goods honey-honey One bottle - 38,000 won 2 bottles - 75000 6 bottles - 210,000 won ❤ Brain name thread - Best product The eggs are big and fresh 1 container 23000 Two bottles - 40,000 won 3+1 4 bottles - 60,000 won 500 gram zipper pack - 60,000 won 2 packs of 500 grams are -110,000 won Brain name honey pickle 1.6kg -75000 (Brain name 500 grams + natural honey) #Naturalflower honey-Good honey that is recognized-Wolchulsan honey-I like honey #Good-EunHoney and Health Gifts you good health #Producer_Direct Trade - 100 Proprietary Natural Flower Honey #You can play any card ##Order - please text me-010-4211-5571 In the future, Wolchulsan honey I cherish each and every member, Without losing gratitude and humility, -- With a constant heart, good honey I'll supply it to you~~^^ ❤ Acacia honey, honey One bottle - 38000 2 bottles - 75000 6 bottles - 210,000 won Acacia honey aged honey - 50,000 won ♡ Wholesale inquiries are welcome ❤ miscellaneous goods honey One bottle - 38,000 won Two bottles - 75000 6 bottles - 210,000 won Free shipping from two bottles ❤Baggy ripening honey discount - KRW 55,000 (It tastes good, smells good, and has a good effect) Bunjuk Tree Honey Discount - 50,000 won - Honey that lungs like ❤ Chestnut honey discount-Natural ripening honey-Haet honey-The honey that the stomach likes Wolchulsan Night Honey, which is famous for its effectiveness One bottle - 50,000 won Two bottles - 100,000 won 6 bottles - 290,000 won Free shipping from two bottles ❤ Flower Bottle - 35,000-1 kg Flowerpot Head Bottle - 69000 2022 New Year's Pot ❤ Honey discount on oriental raisin tree-honey that liver likes One bottle of oriental raisin honey - KRW 45,000 6 bottles of oriental raisin honey - 260,000 won Free shipping from 2 bottles ❤ Gamro honey - 50,000 won - Sold out ❤Propolis Discount - 100 mm One bottle of propolis - KRW 35,000 2 bottles of propolis - 70,000 won ❤Royal Jerry Discount - 50 Grams 2 bottles-65000 5+1 6 bottles - 150,000 won 10+2 12 bottles - KRW 280,000 ❤ Mokcheong Discount 600 Grams - 150,000 won 1.2kg - 280,000 won ● Natural wood - Honeycomb - Sold out ❤Immune Set-Royal King One bottle of oriental honey + 1 bottle of propolis + half pot + 3 bottles of royal jelly (190,000 won) One bottle of oriental honey + 1 bottle of propolis + half pot + 10 bottles of royal jelly (350,000 won) ●Specification honey -2.4 kg - Sold out 6 bottles - 100,000 won ❤ Visit Gwangju store to purchase benefits Acacia honey - 35,000 won Acacia honey aged honey - 50,000 won Chestnut honey - 50,000 won Miscellaneous goods honey - 35000 Bunjuk Tree Honey Discount - 50,000 won oriental raisin honey-45000 Flowerpot - 35000 Propolis - 35000 Bonggae Mature Miscellaneous Goods Honey Discount - 55,000 won Business Hours 10-7:00 - Monday - Saturday I'm off on weekdays Name of the company - Wolchulsan Honeybee Story Business number 410_32_29073 Mail order number 2018_Gwangju Seo-gu-0052 Representative Yoo Mihee Contact 01042115571 Address Gwangcheon-dong, Seo-gu, Gwangju Metropolitan City 이메일 miheeyoo96@hanmail.net Country of origin - Honey - Domestic Delivery Service - Rosen Courier) (판매물품 : 경운기 양수기 판매지역 : 경주 판매가격 : 30 만원(화물비별도) ) (Goods sold: cultivator water pump Sales area: Race Sales price: KRW 300,000 (freight not included)) (#직거래 ✔물품명: 1톤 트럭용 소형 크레인 (직접 만들어서 판매 합니다) 지브. 옥상 크레인등 모든 크레인 주문 제작 합니다 공장 방문은 언제던 환영 합니다 1. 판매지역 : 경남 함안군 칠원읍 2. 판매가격 : 2단붐대 85만원 3. 생산년도 : 2022년 (새제품) 4. 전화번호 :010 8537 2989 5. 기타 안내사항 등: **차량에 설치는 볼트 몇개로 간단히 누구나 설치가 가능 합니다 동력은 차 배터리에 간단히 연결하여 작동 합니다 원치를 차 가운데 설치하여 당기는 기능도 됩니다 (설치판있음) 와이어 길이 14m **경동 택배로 원하는 장소로 보내 드립니다 (화물택배비 판매자 부담) 농촌지역에서. 산업현장에서 . 조경 나무 심을때등등 어디에서나 편리합니다 2단붐대 : 인냥능력 1단만 사용시 220키로 2단까지 다 빼서 사용시 130키로 (붐대길이 최대 2 m) ) (#Direct transaction ✔ Item name: Small crane for 1-ton truck (We make it ourselves and sell it) Jib. Rooftop cranes. All cranes It's custom-made You are always welcome to visit the factory 1. Sales area: Chilwon-eup, Haman-gun, Gyeongnam 2. Sales price: 850,000 won for two-stage boom 3. Production year: 2022 (new product) 4. Phone number: 01085372989 5. Other instructions, etc.: **Simple installation to vehicle with a few bolts Anyone can install it Power is simply connected to the car battery It's working pulling with the original in the middle of the car It also functions (with installation plate) wire length 14 m **We will send it to the place you want by Kyungdong courier (Freight delivery fee borne by seller) in rural areas It is convenient everywhere, such as planting landscaping trees Two-stage boom: hunting ability If you use the first layer, you can use 220kg If you take out the second layer and use it, it's 130kg (Boom pole length up to 2 meters)) (판매물품 : 농업용 운반차 얀마HFG182(4륜) 판매지역 : 경기도 화성시 판매가격 : 350만원 전화번호 : 010-5297-0699 기타 :500kg까지 적재가능한 4륜 얀마 농업용 운반차입니다 정말 사실분 가격협의가능합니다 각종 소형농기계 판매하고있으니 편하게 오셔서 시운전해보세요 친절상담해드립니다 #트렉터#소형트렉터#미니트렉터#트랙터#농기계#소형농기계#미니굴삭기#콤바인#굴삭기#운반기#농장용#비닐하우스#과수원 ) (Sales item: Agricultural cart Yanma HFG182 (4 wheels) Sales area: Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do Sales price: 3.5 million won Phone number: 010-5297-0699 Others: It is a four-wheel Janma agricultural carrier that can carry up to 500 kg We can discuss the actual price We sell various small agricultural machinery, so please come and test drive comfortably I give you kind advice #Tractor #SmallTractor #MiniTractor #Tractor #AgriculturalMachine #SmallAgriculturalMachine #Combine #Collaborator #Carrier #Farm #PlasticHouse #Orchard) (<신바람 즐거운 쇼핑 - 한양MSL 자석공구걸이 공구함 공구통 거치대 24인치> 한양MSL 자석공구걸이 공구함 공구통 거치대 24인치 판매가격 : 9,000원 + 배송비 3천원 추가 3개 이상 구매시 무료배송 구매문의 010-7135-5930 (신바람 농자재) ) ( Hanyang MSL Magnetic Tool Hanger Toolbox Toolbox Holder 24 Inches Sales price: 9,000 won + 3,000 won for shipping Free delivery for purchases of 3 or more items Purchase Inquiry 010-7135-5930 (Bright wind farm material))
2번 중고 농기계 포스트
3번 중고 농기계 포스트
4번 중고 농기계 포스트
5번 중고 농기계 포스트