1번 중고 농기계 포스트
(판매물품:성도오렉 작물수확기.제초기 판매합니다
성도 사료작물수확기,제초기겸용 판매합니다
성도오렉제품입니다 지금은 제초기로 사용할수있게 되여있습니다 사진에보시면 사료작물수확할때 사용하는 부속품도 모두있습니다
제초기로사용도되고 샤료작물수확기로 사용도 가능합니다 엔진미스비시이구요 시동성좋고 아주부드럽게 시동잘걸립니다
모든기능 정상작동 잘되고 아주상태좋은기계입니다
) (Goods for sale: St. Orec Crop HarvesterWe're selling a weed killer machines. Sales area: Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do. Sales price: 1.5 million won. Contact information: 010-3946-2219. We also sell Seongdo Feed Crop Harvester and Weeding Machine. It's from Seongdo Orec. It can be used as a weeding machine now. If you look at the picture, there are all the accessories used to harvest feed crops. You can use it as a weeding machine or as a harvesting machine for Shiryo crops. It's engine mis-biz. It's good at starting and it's very smooth. It's a machine that works well and is in excellent condition. Sales price: 1.5 million won. You can deliver it to all regions.) (판매물품: 초전엔진퇴비살포기 판매지역: 경북구미 판매가격: 250만원입니다 연락처:010-3339-4454입니다 SS기 전용 초전엔진퇴비살포기입니다 괴도전용입니다 한성ㆍ아세아ㆍ한아ㆍ한서 ㆍ모든기종에 장착가능한재품입니다 이곳저곳 정비한재품입니다 *괴도전용입니다 * 전국 택배화물배송가능합니다 연락처:010-3339-4454입니다 ) (Item sold: Superb engine compost sprayer Sales area: Gumi, North Gyeongsang Province Sales price: 2.5 million won. Contact: 010-3339-4454. It's a super-engine compost sprayer dedicated to SS aircraft. It's for the thief only. This product can be attached to Hanseong, Asia, Korea, Korea, and all models. It's been maintained here and there. *Only for mysterious diseases * Delivery of cargoes is available nationwide. Contact: 010-3339-4454.) (판매물품: 도요타1ㆍ5톤전동지게차 판매지역: 경북구미 판매가격: 490만원입니다 연락처:010-3339-4454입니다 타이어 압뒤 보시는것과같이 상태 좋습니다 도요타1ㆍ5톤전동지게차입니다마스터3M입니다 밧데리상태양호합니다 충전기내장형입니다 전동이라서 소음 매연걱정없이 공장이나 내동창고 밀패공간에서 사용하시기적합니다 직접오셔서 시운전하시는걸 권해드립니다. 전국 화물 택배가능합니다. ) (Goods sold: Toyota 1.5-ton electric forklift Sales area: Gumi, North Gyeongsang Province Sales price: 4.9 million won. Contact: 010-3339-4454. As you can see behind the tire pressure, it's in good condition. This is Toyota's 1.5-ton electric forklift.It's Master 3M. The battery is in good condition. It's a built-in charger. It is electric, so please use it in a factory or inner-dong warehouse smuggling space without worrying about noise smoke. We recommend you to come and test-drive it yourself. Cargo delivery nationwide is possible.) (HUSQVRNA 346XP 스웨덴제 엔진톱 010/7681/8391 40만원 에프코137 15만원 0107-681/8391 ) (HUSQVRNA 346XP Swedish engine saw 010/7681/8391 400,000 won FCO 137 one hundred and fifty thousand won 0107-681/8391) (판매물품:웅진WJ175GO 판매지역: 경북구미입니다 판매가격: 200 만원입니다 연락처:010-3339-4454입니다 로터리입니다 날상태적당합니다 이동식이라 쓰시기편하실것같습니다 모든기능 정상작동됩니다. 상태a급이라고보시면되십니다. 전지역 화물로 배송가능합니다. ) (Goods Sold: Woongjin WJ175GO Sales area: Gumi, North Gyeongsang Province. Sales price: 2 million won. Contact: 010-3339-4454. Rotary. I'm in the right state. It's portable, so it'll be easy to use. All functions are functional. You can think of it as level A. It can be delivered by all regions.)
2번 중고 농기계 포스트
3번 중고 농기계 포스트
4번 중고 농기계 포스트
5번 중고 농기계 포스트