1번 중고 농기계 포스트
✔물품명: 1톤 트럭용 소형 크레인
(직접 만들어서 판매 합니다)
지브. 옥상 크레인등 모든 크레인
주문 제작 합니다
공장 방문은 언제던 환영 합니다
1. 판매지역 : 경남 함안군 칠원읍
2. 판매가격 : 2단붐대 90만원
(무선 리모컨 장착 유.무선 2개)
**화물 택배로 주소지까지 안전배송 됩니다
3. 생산년도 : 2023년 (새제품)
4. 전화번호 :010 8537 2989 이용수
5. 기타 안내사항 등:
**차량에 설치는 볼트 몇개로 간단히
누구나 설치가 가능 합니다
동력은 차 배터리에 간단히 연결하여
작동 합니다
원치를 차 가운데 설치하여 당기는
기능도 됩니다
(설치판있음) 와이어 길이 14m
농촌지역에서. 산업현장에서 .
조경 나무 심을때등등 어디에서나 편리합니다
2단붐대 : 인냥능력
1단만 사용시 220키로
2단까지 다 빼서 사용시 130키로
(붐대길이 최대 2 m)
) (#Direct transaction ✔ Item name: Small crane for 1-ton truck (We make it ourselves and sell it.) a jib Rooftop crane, etc. All cranes It's custom-made. You are always welcome to visit the factory. 1. Sales area: Chilwon-eup, Haman-gun, Gyeongnam 2. Sales price: KRW 900,000 for 2-tier boomers (With wireless remote control.2 wireless) **Safe delivery will be delivered to your address by cargo delivery. 3. Production year: 2023 (new product) 4. Phone number: 010 8537 2989 Number of use 5. Other information, etc.: **Easy to install to the vehicle with a few bolts Anyone can install it. The power is simply connected to the car battery. It's working. Pull the circle in the middle of the car. It's also a function. (With installation plate) Wire length 14 m in rural areas, in the industrial field It is convenient everywhere, such as when planting landscaping trees. Two-stage boom: Humanity capability If you only use the first layer, it's 220kg. If you take out the 2nd tier and use it, it's 130kg. (Boom length up to 2 m)) (옛날 귀족이쓰던 은그릇셋트 택배비포함 100,000원입니다 필요하신분 연락주세요 연락처 : 010-9105-5630 ) (a set of silverware used by an old aristocrat It's 100,000 won including delivery fee. If you need it, please call me. Contact: 010-9105-5630) (#농산물판매 ❤️새싹인삼키우기세트❤️ 면역력키우는데최고인 새싹인삼 직접키워드세요 ❤️새해 봄소식을 전해드립니다 ❤️고맙고 감사한 귀한분들께 선물하시면. 멋진추억이됩니다 ❤아주특별한 집안에서 직접키워 드실수 있는 심봤다 세트로 ❤정성이담긴 마음을 전하세요^^ ❤키우는 재미가 아주 솔솔 한 심봤다 키우기세트 부모님선물로 최고입니다❤ ❤한겨울에도 ❤매일아침 집안에세 심봤다하실수 있습니다 ❤요즘은 꼭 실내에서 키우시는게좋습니다 ❤면역력키우는데최고인 새싹인삼 이제집안에서직접키워드세요 ❤상추키우기보다쉽습니다♡ ❤집에서 직접키울수 있게 모든재료 다 보내드립니다♡ 따로준비하실것 하나도 없습니다 ❤집안에 새싹인삼텃밭을 만들어보세요 키우는즐거움솔솔하시고 건강까지 챙겨드릴수 있습니다♡ ❤키우는재미가솔솔~~ ❤추운한겨울에도 집안에서아주잘자랍니다 ❤즐거움과 행복을주는 반려식물이 되어줄겁니다 집에서쉽게키울수있게모든 재료보내드립니다☆ ❤️주문:문의: 01092194843 ❤장뇌용5년6된묘종 20뿌리 세트 3만원 배송비4000 ❤장뇌용5년6년된묘종 ❤2세트 40뿌리 ❤6만원 ❤무료배송 ❤튼실이2년묘종 ❤50뿌리 1세트3만원 택비4000원 ❤️ 2세트는 무료배송 입니다 ❤스치로폼상자 ❤씨앗 조금100알정도 ❤흙 ❤모든재료보내드립니다 따로준비하실건없으십니다♡ ❤주문은:01092194843으로주 소성함주세요 무료로드리는 씨앗은 노지그늘에심으시면 내년봄에나옵니다 ❤심는방법❤ ❤️스치로폼박스에 구멍내어 ❤️배수구멍을 내시고 ❤️뇌두가 살짝덮이게 심습니다 ❤️바로 물을충분히줍니다 ❤️투껑으로 밑에받쳐서 ❤️거실이나 방에서 키우시면좋습니다 물은. 분무기로 표면이 마르지않게 살짝 뿌려주시면 아주잘자랍니다 ❤ 잎이 펴지면 먼저 큰뿌리부터뽑아 드시면됩니다 ❤스치로폼박스나 화분에 심으면너무잘커요^^ 상추보다 키우기 쉬워요 ^^ 면역력 키우는데최고인 새싹인삼을직접키워드시면 안심하고 언제든지 건강한 새싹인삼을 드실수 있어요 ❤아파트거실이나 방에서에서 특히 잘 자랍니다 ♡ ❤새싹인삼 요즘은 실내춥지않은곳에서 키우셔야됩니다 ❤아침공복에 한두뿌리씩 베란다 텃밭에서 뽑아서드시는 재미가있습니다 ❤새싹인삼에 사포닌이성분이 잎에 많이들어있어 면역력 향상에 아주 좋습니다 ❤1세트50뿌리 3만원 배송비4000 ❤2세트100뿌리 6만원 무료배송 씨앗은체험용100알정도 드립니다 ❤모든재료 보내드리니 따로준비할것없습니다 문의 ㆍ01092194843 문자로 주소성함 보내주세요 ^^ 요런묘종으로드려요 50뿌리 ❤장뇌용 5년된묘종 20뿌리가 1세트입니다 산에 심으셔도 좋고 매일아침 한드뿌리씩드셔도 좋습니다 ❤개갑씨앗주문가능합니다 장뇌용 요즘자라는 모습 1달 키운거 입니다 새싹인삼 용묘종 50뿌리 요즘자라는 모습입니다 ♡최근잘자라고있는 애기삼모습고객님께서 보내오셨습니다♡ 요즘자라는 모습입니다 1개월 가까이키운모습입니다 거실이나방에서 키우시면됩니다 ♡처음심고 물흠뻑주시고 ♡매일1ㅡ2회분무기로 살짝 뿌려주시면좋습니다 화분에 심으셔도 좋습니다 심고 1달에서 1달반사이가 가장 맛나게드실수있습니다♡ 베란다에서 잘 자랍니다 요즘은 거실이나 방에서 잘 큽니다 1달키운애기삼 이에요 식당이나차집운영하시는 분들은 직접키우면서 손님께 내어드릴수있습니다ᆢ 인기 짱 이여요♡ 1달정도키운애기삼새싹인삼 담금주담가봤어요 ♡삼겹살파티에 빠질수없지요♡ 산에서 크면 딱좋겠지만 집에서도잘 큽니다~^^ 한뿌리 뽑아 우유에 갈아드시면새싹삼 라떼가되네요^^ ❤먼저 스치로폼박스에 구멍내어 ❤이렇게 심으면 됩니다 ❤심고바로 물을 흠뻑주시고 뚜껑으로 밑에 받치고거실이나방에서 키우시면 아주잘 자랍니다 뇌두가 살짝 덮이게 심으세요 이렇게 자랍니다 거실에서 자라고 있습니다 어린이집이나유치원에서도체험학습으로 너무좋아요 수경으로쉽게잘자랍니다 어린이집이나 유치원 체험용주문 가능하십니다 어르신들께 직접 키우시게 하시면 밝아지시고 웃음을 찿으신다 하십니다 부모님께 선물들 하세요 지인들께 선물하세요 고객들 선물로 아주좋아요~^^ 고층아파트에서도잘 자랍니다 방치되어있던 화단에도~ ❤전원주택정원에지금묘종으로심어놓으시면 봄에 멋지게 올라옵니다 ❤지금묘종삼 으로 텃밭에 심어놓으시면 내년봄멋지게 나옵니다 50뿌리 1세트키운모습여요 화분에 심어서 선물하시면 좋아요 장뇌용 키운거입니다 ❤먼저잎이 펴지는 큰삼부터 이른아침공복에 뽑아드시면 아주좋습니다 . 요즘계절에는 1개월부터 뽑아드실수 있습니다 꽃대가생기고열매가 맺혀있어도 다드시면 됩니다 ❤01092194843 으로 문의 주문주세요 개갑잘된우량씨앗 100일동안 개갑한 올햇씨앗 땅이얼기전에 까지 심으시면내년봄새싹이 나옵니다 ❤개갑씨앗 ❤3만원 400그람 ❤5만원 700그람 ❤7만원 1키로그람 ❤10만원 1500그람 종이컵1개정도가 1만원 입니다 ❤01092194843 으로 문의 주문주세요 ❤주문은 01092194843 으로 문자주세요 판매자정보 대표자:손미순 연락처:01092194843 사업자:509 06 52332 청명한 주소:대전광역시 동구 흥룡로37 종자업등록:제13-금산군2015-70-11호 등록번호:148-66-00045 이메일:linboss1@naver.com ♡주문은 01092194843으로문자주시면 빠릅니다♡ ) (#Sales of agricultural products ❤️Sprout ginseng raising set❤️ Make sure to raise the best sprout ginseng for your immune system. ❤️ Here's the news for the spring of the new year. ❤️ To those who are thankful and precious, If you give it as a present, it will be a great memory. ❤ It's a set that you can raise in a very special house. ❤ Express your sincere heart^^ ❤ It's fun to raise a dog. The set is the best gift for my parents.❤ ❤ Even in the middle of winter ❤ You can say that you washed your house every morning ❤ These days, it's good to keep it indoors. ❤ The best way to develop immunity You should raise sprout ginseng at home. ❤ It's easier than raising lettuce♡ ❤ We will send you all the ingredients so that you can grow them yourself at home.♡ There's nothing else to prepare. ❤ Make a garden of sprout ginseng in your house I can take care of your health and have fun raising your dog.♡ ❤ It's fun to raise~ ❤ Sleep well in the cold winter ❤ It will be a pet plant that will give you joy and happiness To make it easy to raise at home, I'm sending you the ingredients.☆ ❤️ Order: Inquiries: 01092194843 ❤ 5-year-old seedling for camphor a set of 20 roots Thirty thousand won Shipping cost 4000 ❤ 5-6-year-old seedlings for camphor ❤2 sets 40 roots ❤ 60,000 won ❤ Free delivery ❤ Two-year-old model of Tonsil ❤ KRW 30,000 in one set of 50 roots 4,000 won for the taxi fare. ❤️ The 2 sets are free shipping. ❤ Styrofoam box ❤ About 100 seeds ❤ Soil ❤ We send you all the ingredients. You don't have to prepare anything else.♡ ❤ For order, please fire the order at: 01092194843. If you plant the seeds in the shade, It will come out next spring. ❤How to plant❤ ❤️ Make a hole in the foam box and make a hole in the ❤️ drain. ❤️ Plant brain slightly covered ❤️ Add plenty of water right away. ❤️ It's good to raise it in the living room or room by supporting it underneath with two hops. If you spray water with a sprayer so that the surface doesn't dry, it will grow well. ❤ When the leaves open, you can first pick the big roots and eat them. ❤ It grows too much if you plant it in a foam box or pot.^^ It's easier to grow than lettuce ^^ It's the best way to build immunity. If you can choose sprout ginseng, feel safe. You can eat healthy sprout ginseng. ❤ It grows especially well in the living room or room of an apartment. ♡ ❤ These days, you have to raise sprout ginseng indoors in a place that's not cold. ❤ It's fun to take one or two roots out of the veranda garden on an empty stomach in the morning. ❤ The leaf contains a lot of saponin in sprout ginseng, which is very good for improving immunity. ❤1 set 50 roots Thirty thousand won Shipping cost 4000 ❤2 sets 100 roots Free shipping for 60,000 won We will give you about 100 seeds for the experience. ❤ I'll send you all the ingredients, so there's nothing else to prepare. Contact ·01092194843 Please send me your address by text message. ^^ I'll give you a seedling like this. 50 roots. ❤ 5-year-old seedling for camphor 20 roots is a set. You can plant it in the mountains. You can take a root every morning. ❤ Gaegap seed can be ordered It's for camphor. The way you grow. I raised him for a month. 50 roots of sprout ginseng dragon seedlings I'm growing these days. ♡ I've been sleeping well lately "Fan ID" said, He sent it to me. ♡ I'm growing these days. I raised him for almost a month. You can raise it in the living room or the moth. ♡ Plant it for the first time and wash it with water ♡ It's good to spray it once or twice a day with a powder weapon. You can plant it in a pot. If you plant it between 1 month and 1 month and a half, it will taste the best.♡ It grows well on the veranda. I grow up well in the living room or room these days. It's a baby ginseng that I raised for a month. If you run a restaurant or a car house, you can raise it yourself and give it to customers.ᆢ He's so popular.♡ I've been there for about a month. ♡ You can't miss a pork belly party.♡ It would be nice to grow up in the mountains, but I grow up well at home, too.^^ If you take a root and grind it with milk, it becomes a ssamsam latte.^^ ❤ First, make a hole in the Schiroform box ❤ You can plant it like this. ❤ If you soak the water right after planting it, support it under the lid, and raise the living room in a moth, it grows very well. Plant it so that the brain is slightly covered. It grows like this. I'm growing up in the living room. It's great for field trips at daycare centers and kindergartens. It's easy to say good night to the hydroponic. Daycare centers or kindergartens. You can order for experience. If you ask the elderly to raise them, they will be bright and smile. Give presents to your parents. Give it to your friends. It's a great gift for customers.^^ It grows well even in high-rise apartments. Even on the flower bed that was left unattended. ❤ Plant a seedling in the garden of the country house and it will come up nicely in spring. ❤ If you plant myojongsam in the garden now, it will come out great next spring. It's a set of 50 roots. It's good to plant it in a pot and give it as a gift. It's for camphor. ❤ Start with the big ginseng that spreads out the leaves It's great to take it on an empty stomach early in the morning. In this season, starting from a month, You can pick one. Even if you have a flower stand and fruits, you can eat them all. ❤01092194843 Please contact to order a poor seed 100 days in total. This Year's Seed If you plant them before the ground freezes, you'll get sprouts next spring. ❤ Dog pack seed ❤ 30,000 won 400 grams ❤ 50,000 won 700 grams ❤ 70,000 won 1 kilogram ❤ 100,000 won 1,500 grams About one paper cup. It's 10,000 won. ❤01092194843 Please contact to order ❤ For an order, please text 01092194843. Seller information Representative: Son Mi-soon Contact: 01092194843 Operator: 50906 52332 clear and clear Address: 37, Heungryong-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon Seed business registration: No. 13-Geumsan-gun 2015-70-11. Registration number: 148-66-00045 Email: linboss1@naver.com ♡ Text me at 01092194843 for an order.♡) (밧데리 궤도 고소작업대입니다. 발판 높이 4M 작업높이 6미터입니다. 궤도라 농가에서 사용하시면 좋습니다. 밭에도 들어갈수 있어서 좋습니다. 트랙상태도 좋습니다. 외관도 깨끗합니다. 작동잘됩니다. 480만원 비닐하우스나 창고작업시 좋습니다. 010 4582 5868 #굴삭기, #농사용굴삭기, #구보다굴삭기, #얀마굴삭기, #코벨코굴삭기, #중고미니굴삭기, #중고굴삭기, #굴삭기, #미니트랙터, #소형트랙터, #운반차, #중고트랙터, #중고미니운반기, #캐리어덤프, #농사용운반차, #미니캐리어덤프, #고소작업대, #중고미니트랙터, #고소작업차, #동력운반기, #미니운반기, #중고람나, #콤팩타, #미니발전기, #중고운반차, #미니운반차, #중고장비, #중고발전기, #트랙터, #경운기, #람마, #농기계, #전동지게차, #로타리, #중장비필터, #중고파레트트럭, #연료필터, #중고지게차, #궤도운반기, #리치지게차, #굴삭기필터, #대바가지, #동력운반차, #소형농기계, #에어맨콤프레샤, #중고농기계, #페레트트럭, #소형발전기, #에어필터, #궤도운반차, #오일필터, #농장용미니굴삭기, #리프트, #농사용사다리, #상하차사다리, #궤도고소작업대, #궤도6M고소작업대, #얀마캐리어덤프, #구보다캐리어덤프, #IHI캐리어덤프, #C50R, #C50R-2, #C50R-3A, #5톤캐리어덤프, #3톤캐리어덤프, #2톤캐리어덤프, #1톤캐리어덤프, #퇴비살포기 #미니굴삭기 ) (Battery track height workstation. Footrest height 4M working height 6m. It's good to use at a farmhouse in Orbitra. It's good to be able to get into the field. The track is in good condition. The exterior is also clean. It works well. 4.8 million won Good for greenhouse or warehouse work. 010 4582 5868 #excavator, #farm excavator, #excavator rather than #gu, #Burmese excavator, #cobelco excavator, #mediummini excavator, #mini-tractor, #smalltractor, #carrier, #mediummini-tractor, #carrier-dump, #mini-carrier-carrier #carrier #carrier-carrier-carrier, minicarrier-carrier-carrier #carrier-operator, #carrier-carrier-carrier-carrier-carrier-carrier-carrier-carrier-carrier-operator,S, #usedfarmMachine, #peretruck, #smallgenerator, #airfilter, #orbitalcarrier, #oilfilter, #farmmini-excavator, #lift, #farming ladder, #top and bottom ladder, #orbital6M small workbench, #MyCarrierDump, #C3R,50R2R2R,R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R5R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R2R) (☆ 대형 그리스 신화 아틀라스 조각상 (유럽제품) 홈 바 와인.양주 바 지구본 통에 얼음 채워서 맥주나 각종 음료 등 시워하게 드시면됩니다 인테리 장식 엔틱으로도 최상입니다 바퀴가 달려있어 이동 가능함. 제질: 마블 사이즈 높이 1100 지름 500 50만원 부산 직거래 택배가능합니다 주문은 010 6495 8989 전화나 문자주세요 감사합니다 ) (☆ a large Greek mythological Atlas sculpture (European products) Home bar wine. Wine bar. You can fill the globe with ice and drink beer or other beverages. It's the best interior decoration antique. Moveable with wheels. Quality: Marble Size height 1100 diameter 500 500 thousand won Direct delivery service is available in Busan. Order 010 6495 8989 Call me or text me. Thank you.)
2번 중고 농기계 포스트
3번 중고 농기계 포스트
4번 중고 농기계 포스트
5번 중고 농기계 포스트