1번 중고 농기계 포스트
(🎈.판매물품 :아세아TLD3 운반차
🎈.판매지역 :구미 고아읍
🎈.판매가격 :550만원
🎈.전화번호 :010-4983-7510
아세아TLD3 운반차 판매합니다
점검수리 완료되었구요
면세 가능합니다
판매가격은550만원 입니다.
) (🎈. Goods sold: ASEAN TLD3 Carrier 🎈.Sales area: Gumi Goa-eup 🎈.Sales price: KRW 5.5 million 🎈. Phone number: 010-4983-7510 🎈.Photo (Other): ASIA TLD3 Carrier is on sale. Inspection and repair completed. It's tax-free. The selling price is 5.5 million won.) (🎈.판매물품 :한일 보행궤도운반차 판매합니다. 🎈.판매지역 :구미 고아읍 🎈.판매가격 :170만원 🎈.전화번호 :010-4983-7510 🎈.사진(기타): 한일 보행궤도운반차 판매합니다 유압덤프이고 수리점검 완료하였습니다 농산물수확 퇴비운반등 사용하시면 좋습니다 판매가격은170만원 입니다 ) (🎈. Goods sold: Korean and Japanese walking track carriers are on sale. 🎈.Sales area: Gumi Goa-eup 🎈. Sales price: KRW 1.7 million 🎈. Phone number: 010-4983-7510 🎈.Photo (Other): We sell Korean and Japanese walking track carriers. Hydraulic dump completed repair inspection It is good to use agricultural products harvesting, compost transport, etc. The sale price is 1.7 million won.) (경남창녕군아세아800s관리기 기름통신품교환상태조아요 10만원택비착불01093517616 경운기용로타리대당35만원택비 착불01093517616 경운기용작물수확기마늘양파 등등상태특A급110만원택비 착불01093517616 ) (ASIA 800s Management Unit, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongnam I like the exchange of oil and communication products. KRW 100,000 Free delivery 01093517616 KRW 350,000 per cultivator rotary table Collect 01093517616 Cultivator Crop Harvester Garlic Onion Etc. status special grade A KRW 1.1 million shipping cost Collect 01093517616) (트랙터 제초겸용 잔가지 파쇄기 국내 최강 제초, 파쇄 능력 보장! 나선형으로 이루어진 쓰리날과 해머날 두 종류가 있습니다. 규격은 125~200까지 다양하게 있습니다. 010-4305-3003(남산농기계)연락주시면 자세히 답변해 드리겠습니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. #남산농기계 #트랙터 #제초기 #파쇄기 ) (Tractor herbicide and twig shredder The strongest herbicide in Korea, guarantees crushing ability! There are two types of spiral three-blade and hammer-blade. Specifications vary from 125 to 200. Please contact 010-4305-3003 (Namsan Agricultural Machinery) and we will reply in detail. Please show a lot of interest. #Namsan Agricultural Machinery #Tractor #Weeding Machine #CrushingMachine) (경남창녕군트렉터용8조식마늘 파종기상태특A급거의신품수준 입니다550만원운송비착불 91083517616 대동10마력저속대우장착상태 A급130만원운송비착불 01093517616 사륜쟁기상태A급70만원운송비 착불01093517616 ) (8 trillion garlic for trainers in Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do Seeding machine condition special A-class almost new product level This is 5.5 million won for shipping fee. 91083517616 Daedong 10 horsepower low-speed Daewoo installed status Class A 1.3 million won transportation fee 01093517616 Four-wheel plow status Class A 700,000 won transportation fee Collect 01093517616)
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