1번 중고 농기계 포스트
) (ASEA 4th Group Walking in Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do I'm in a state of course.a shipping fee of 500,000 won Collect 01093517616 Daedong 10 horsepower high-speed Daewoo high-pressure sprayer Mounting status is Class A.1.4 million won Transportation Fee Payments 01093517616) (판매물품 : 좌승식 운반기 얀마TG182 판매지역 : 경북 경주시 판매가격 : 250만원 전화번호 : 010 2432 6729 사진(기타): 얀마운반기 판매합니다 오셔서 시운전 해보시면 상태는 아주 만족하실꺼라 생각합니다. 가격은 250만원 생각하오나 정말 사실분 가격협의 가능하십니다. '본장비는 남현건설기계 직소유 매물입니다.' 사진도용에 속지마시길 바랍니다. 많은 관심 부탁드립니다. 구경오시기전 미리 연락 부탁드립니다. 구매문의 남현건설기계 010 2432 6729 #중고미니굴삭기#궤도운반기 #일본직수입#트랙터#고소작업차#운반기#승용운반기 #미니포크레인#남현건설기계#캐리어덤프#고소작업대 ) (Sold item: Left-handed carrier JANMA TG182 Sales area: Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do Sales price: 2.5 million won Phone number: 010 2432 6729 Photos (Other): We sell yanma carriers. I think you'll be very satisfied if you come and test drive. I think the price is 2.5 million won, but you can really discuss the actual price. This equipment is for sale directly owned by Namhyeon Construction Machinery.' Don't be fooled by the theft of photos. Please show a lot of interest. Please contact me in advance before you come to see me. Purchase inquiry Namhyeon Construction Machine 010 2432 6729 #usedmini excavator #orbitalcarrier #directly imported from Japan #tractor #goalworkcar #carrier #carrier #passengercar #miniforcran #namhyeonconstructionmachine #carrierdump #goalworkstation) (경남창녕군대동경운기마늘양파 수확기연장축타이어장착 180만원운송비착불 01093517616 초전경운기용퇴비살포기상태 A급입니다180만원운송비착불 01093517616 사륜쟁기상태A급입니다60만원 운송비착불01093517616 ) (Garlic onion of Daedong cultivator, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do Harvesting machine extension shaft tire installation KRW 1.8 million in freight charge 01093517616 Conditions of compost sprayer for super cultivator Class A. 1.8 million won shipping fee 01093517616 Four-wheel plough status, Class A.600,000 won Transportation Fee Payments 01093517616) (경남창녕군대동10마력저속대우 장착상태A급입니다130만원 운송비착불01093517616 아세아800s관리기기름통신품 교환작동잘됩니다100만원택비 착불01093517616 경운기용로타리대당35만원택비 착불01093517616 ) (10-horsepower low-speed treatment in Daedong, Changnyeong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do Mounting status is Class A.1.3 million won Transportation Fee Payments 01093517616 Asa 800s Management machine Oil container new product Exchange operation is good.1 million won for a taxi fare. Collect 01093517616 KRW 350,000 per cultivator rotary table Collect 01093517616) (경남창녕군외발관리기올수리 완료90만원택비착불 01093517616 대동비닐피복계조용작동 잘됩니다75만원운송비착불 01093517616 엔진양수기작동잘됩니다 25만원택비착불01093517616 ) (Gyeongsangnam-do Changnyeong-gun Outlet Management Machine All Suri Completed KRW 900,000 Taekwon COD 01093517616 Daedong Vinyl Coating System Quiet Operation It's going well. 750,000 won for shipping fee. 01093517616 Engine water pump works fine. KRW 250,000 TAG COD 01093517616) 이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다
2번 중고 농기계 포스트
3번 중고 농기계 포스트
4번 중고 농기계 포스트
5번 중고 농기계 포스트
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