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중고 농기계 매물 신바람 (2023년 3월 2일 오전 11:52) Used agricultural machine for sale in Korea

by 중고농기계중계 2023. 3. 2.

1번 중고 농기계 포스트

(🎈.판매물품 : 대동이앙기

🎈.판매지역 :김천시

🎈.생산년도 :2006년

🎈.판매가격 : 190만원

🎈.전화번호 :010-3531-9628






(🎈. Goods Sold: Daedong Yianggi

🎈.Sales Area: Gimcheon-si

🎈. Production year: 2006

🎈. Sales price: KRW 1.9 million

🎈. Phone number: 010-3531-9628

🎈.Pictures (others): For six groups of people

S3-680.400 hours.The machine that we worked on planting until last year.in excellent condition



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신바람 중고 농기계 매물

신바람 중고 농기계 매물


2번 중고 농기계 포스트

(관리기용 트레일러를 싸게 판매합니다 #중고농기계

아세아 관리기용 트레일러를 구매후 몇번 사용하지 않고 보관만 하다가 판매하게 되었습니다.

데후 잘들어가고 적재함및 상태 최고라 자부 합니다.

거름 및 물건 실어나르는데 아주 용이하게 사용할수 있습니다.

필요하신분 언능 가져가셔서 부농 이루세요.

연결 기어뭉치 모두 있습니다.

지역: 임실군 임실읍

가격: 40만원

연락처: 010 5088 8002



(We sell trailers for maintenance at a low price. #Used Agricultural Machinery

After purchasing the trailer for the Asia manager, I did not use it a few times and kept it for sale.

Dehu fits well, and I'm confident that the loading box and condition are the best.

It can be used very easily for manure and transportation.

If you need it, take it and make it rich.

All connecting gears are present.

Region: Imsil-eup, Imsil-gun

Price: 400,000 won

Contact: 01050888002)


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3번 중고 농기계 포스트

(콤바인 트레일러 판매합니다.



깨끗하고 상태좋은 트레일러를 판매합니다.

타이어 및 실린더상태 아주 양호하고 철판 부식없습니다.

트레일러 필요하신분 언능 가져가셔서 부농 이루세요.

지역: 임실군 임실읍

연락처: 010 5088 8002

가격은: 120만원

상차는 가능합니다.



(We sell combine trailers.

#Used Agricultural Machinery


We sell clean and in good condition trailers.

Tyres and cylinders are in excellent condition and free from corrosion of steel plates.

If you need a trailer, take it and make it rich.

Region: Imsil-eup, Imsil-gun

Contact: 01050888002

Price: 1.2 million won

You can make a difference.)


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4번 중고 농기계 포스트








한병ㅡ38000 2병 ㅡ75000 6병 ㅡ21만원


한병ㅡ38000원 2병ㅡ75000 6병ㅡ21만원

❤뇌명실 ㅡ최상품

알이 크고 신선해요


2통 ㅡ4만원

3+1 4통 ㅡ6만원

500그람지퍼팩 ㅡ6만원

500그람2팩은 ㅡ11만원

뇌명실꿀절임1.6키로 ㅡ75000

(뇌명실 500그람 +천연꿀)






앞으로도 월출산꿀은

회원님들 한 분 한 분을 소중히 여기고,

감사와겸손을 잃지 않은 채, ㅡㅡ

한결같은 마음으로 좋은 꿀을



한병 ㅡ38000 2병 ㅡ75000 6병 ㅡ21만원

아카시아꿀 숙성꿀 ㅡ5만원

♡ 도매문의환영

❤ 잡화꿀


2병 ㅡ75000

6병 ㅡ21만원

두병부터 무료배송

❤봉개숙성꿀할인 ㅡ55000원

(맛도좋고 향도좋고 효과까지좋은 엄청좋은꿀)

때죽나무꿀 할인ㅡ45000원ㅡ폐가좋아하는꿀

❤밤꿀할인ㅡ자연숙성꿀 ㅡ위가좋아하는꿀

효과좋기로 유명한 월출산밤꿀

한병 ㅡ45000원


두병부터 무료배송


화분두병 ㅡ69000

2022년 햇화분



헛개나무꿀6병 ㅡ26만원

모든제품 2병부터 무료배송

❤감로꿀 ㅡ5만원 ㅡ완판

❤프로폴리스할인 ㅡ100미리

프로폴리스한병 ㅡ35000원

프로폴리스2병 ㅡ7만원



5+1 6병 ㅡ15만원

10+2 12병ㅡ28만원

❤목청할인600그람 ㅡ15만원

1.2키로 ㅡ28만원

●자연산 목청 ㅡ벌집채로ㅡ완판


헛개꿀한병+ 프로폴리스1병+ 화분반병+로얄제리3병


헛개꿀한병+ 프로폴리스1병 +화분반병 +로얄제리10병


❤광주매장 방문구매혜택

아카시아꿀 ㅡ35000원

아카시아꿀 숙성꿀 ㅡ5만원

밤꿀 ㅡ45000원

잡화꿀 ㅡ35000



화분 ㅡ35000

프로폴리스 ㅡ35000

봉개숙성잡화꿀할인 ㅡ55000원

영업시간 10ㅡ7시 ㅡ월 ~토

주일은 쉽니다

상호명 ㅡ 월출산꿀벌이야기

사업자번호 410_32_29073

통신판매번호 2018_광주서구ㅡ0052

대표자 유미희

연락처 01042115571

주소 광주광역시 서구 광천동

이메일 miheeyoo96@hanmail.net

원산지 ㅡ꿀 ㅡ국내산

뇌명실 ㅡ러시아산

택배사 ㅡ로젠택배ㅡ



(#The weather is so nice - thankfully - it's so sweet and nice.

#I'm so happy that there are so many good honey.-01042115571

#Extra-Extra-Special Discount-One Bottle of Chestnut Honey-KRW 45,000

#RoyalJerry event 1 bottle KRW 30,000 KRW 5+1-150,000 KRW10+2-280,000 won

#Big discount on cerebral palsy

#Acacia Honey Miscellaneous Goods Honey Discount

❤ Acacia honey

One bottle - 380002 bottles - 750006 bottles - 210,000 won

❤ Miscellaneous goods honey-Sunshine honey

One bottle - 38,000 won - 2 bottles - 750006 bottles - 210,000 won

❤ Bright Room - Best Product

It's big and fresh.

1 container - 23000

2 bottles - 40,000 won

3+1 4 bottles - 60,000 won

500 gram zipper pack - 60,000 won

2 packs of 500 grams is -110,000 won.

It's 1.6kg of brain silk honey pickles. -75000

(brain room 500 grams + natural honey)

#Natural Flower Honey- Recognized Good Honey-Wolchulsan Honey-Honey is good.

#I'll give you health as a gift with silver honey.

#Producer_Direct Trade-100% Pure Natural Flower Honey

#All cards are acceptable.

###Order is- text me.-010-4211-5571

In the future, Wolchulsan Honey...

I cherish each and every one of you.

Without losing gratitude and humility, --

With a consistent heart, I hope you have a good honey.

I'll supply you.~~^^

❤ Acacia honey

One bottle -380002 bottle -750006 bottle -210,000 won

Acacia honey Mature honey - 50,000 won

♡ Wholesale inquiry welcome

❤ miscellaneous goods honey

One bottle - 38,000 won

2 bottles - 75000

6 bottles - 210,000 won

Free shipping from two bottles

❤ Honey Discount for Bonggae Sookseong - KRW 55,000

(Honey that tastes good, smells good, and has good effects)

Dark bamboo honey discount - 45,000 won - Honey that the lungs like

❤ Chestnut honey discount-Natural ripening honey-Honey that the stomach likes

Wolchulsan chestnut honey, which is famous for its effectiveness.

One bottle - 45,000 won

2 bottles - 90,000 won

Free shipping from two bottles

❤ Pottery bottle - 35000-1 kg

Flower Pot Two Bottles - 69000

2022 New Year's Flower Pot

❤ Honey Discount for Hutgae Tree-Honey Favorite

Oriental raisin honey bottle - KRW 45,000

6 bottles of oriental raisin honey - 260,000 won

Free shipping from 2 bottles of all products

❤ Persimmon honey - KRW 50,000 - Sold out

❤Propolis Discount - 100 mm

A bottle of propolis - 35,000 won

2 bottles of propolis - 70,000 won

❤ Royal Jerry Discount - 50 Grams

2 bottles-65000

5+1 6 bottles - 150,000 won

10+2 12 bottles - 280,000 won

❤ Voice discount 600 grams - KRW 150,000

-280,000 won for 1.2 kilos

● Natural wood-honeycomb strainer-sold out

❤ Immunization Set-Royal King

One bottle of oriental raisin honey + 1 bottle of propolis + half bottle of flowerpot + 3 bottles

(190,000 won)

1 bottle of oriental raisin honey + 1 bottle of propolis + 1 bottle of flower pot + 10 bottles of royal jelly

(350,000 won)

❤ Benefits of visiting Gwangju store

Acacia honey - 35,000 won

Acacia honey Mature honey - 50,000 won

Chestnut honey - 45,000 won

Miscellaneous goods honey - 35000

Dark bamboo honey discount - 45,000 won

Oriental raisin honey-45000

Pot - 35000

Propolis - 35000

Bonggaesukseong Miscellaneous Goods Honey Discount - KRW 55,000

Business hours 10-7:00-Monday-Saturday

I have a week off.

Trade Name - Wolchulsan Honeybee Story

Business number 410_32_29073

Mail Order Number 2018_Gwangju Seo-gu-0052

Representative Yoo Mihee.

Contact 01042115571

Address Gwangcheon-dong, Seo-gu, Gwangju

이메일 miheeyoo96@hanmail.net

Country of origin -Honey -Domestic

Cerebral Pillars - Made in Russia

Courier-Rosen Delivery-)


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5번 중고 농기계 포스트

(트랙터 로타리 175 새거

사용하지않아 팝니다

금액은 300만원

사진 여러장 올림니다

녹하나 없습니다

쪼인트 새것 포함




(Tractor Rotary 175 New

I don't use it, so I'm selling it.

The price is three million won.

I'm posting several pictures.

There's no rust.

Includes new tights



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신바람 중고 농기계 매물


출처 : 귀농 귀촌 신바람 중고 농기계 직거래 장터
