1번 포스트
(1. 물품명 (기계명) : 콤바인 얀마GC219(2조식)
2. 지역 : 경기도 화성시
3. 설명 및 사진 : 얀마 2조식 콤바인입니다
사용시간이 적은 상태좋은 장비입니다 1톤화물차에 상차가능합니다 가격절충 가능하오니 편하게 오셔서 시운전해보세요
4. 가격 : 480만원
) (1. Item name (machine name): Combine Janma GC219 (2 sets) 2. Region: Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do 3. Description and Photo: Yanma 2 Breakfast Combination It's a good device that takes less time to use Carriage is available in 1-ton freight cars You can save money, so come and test drive comfortably 4. Price: 4.8 million won #Tractor #SmallTractor #MiniTractor #Tractor #AgriculturalMachine #SmallAgriculturalMachine #Combine #Collaborator #Carrier #Farm #PlasticHouse #Orchard) (판매물품:제광식 파종기 판매합니다 판매지역:경북구미입니다 판매가격:100만원입니다 연락처:010~3946~2219입니다 제광식 파종기판매합니다 모든기능 정상작동 잘됩니다 판매가격:100만원입니다 전지역 화물로 배송가능합니다~ ) (Goods for sale: We sell mining-type sowing machines Sales area: Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do Sales price: 1 million won Contact information: 010-3946-2219 We sell mine-type sowing machines All functions are working fine Sales price: 1 million won I can ship it with local freight) (판매물품:성부 농업용 고소작업차 판매합니다 판매지역:경북구미입니다 판매가격:1000만원입니다 연락처:010~3946~2219입니다 성부 농업용 고소작업차 판매합니다 2021년도에 새제품 구입한것입니다 새것구입해서 몇번사용치않은기계입니다 성부 고소작업차는 2단굴절기능입니다 일발 고소작업차는 한쪽 방향으로 움직여야하는 불편함이있는데 이기계는 가운데에서 양옆으로 작업할수있어 아주편리합니다 또한 탑승석 좌.우 수평조절이되여 경사진곳에서도 수평조절하여 작업할수있어 편리하고 좋습니다 또한2단굴절 기능있어 일반 고소작업차보다 높은곳도 작업이 가능합니다 전동형이라 작업시 조용하고 작업회전반경이 넓고 진동이 없습니다 궤도길이1700~폭1630입니다 넓을궤도길이폭 그리고 무게중심이 하중에있어 때문에 높은곳에서도 안전하게 작업이가능합니다 편의상항은 라디오.MP 3.12v시가짹.탑승의자가 있습니다 모든기능 완벽하게 정상작동 잘되고 성부고소작업차는 모든농가에서 인정받은 제품인만큼 다른기계에 비해서 사용용도가 월등하고 편리하고 안전성을 갖추었습니다 판매가격:1000만원입니다 직접오셔서 시운전 마음껏해보시고 구입하셔도되고 전지역 화물로 배송도가능합니다~ ) (Goods for sale: We sell high-altitude vehicles for agricultural purposes in the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Sales area: Gumi, Gyeongsangbuk-do The selling price is 10 million won Contact information: 010-3946-2219 We sell high-grade vehicles for agricultural use in the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family I bought a new product in 2021 I bought a new one and haven't used it a few times It's a two-stage refraction It is very convenient for a high-altitude vehicle to move in one direction, but the machine can work from the center to both sides Also, it is convenient and good because it is horizontally adjusted on the left and right sides of the passenger seat, so it can be horizontally adjusted even at an inclined place It also has a two-stage refraction function, so you can work on places higher than ordinary high-altitude work vehicles It's an electric type, so it's quiet and has a wide working radius and no vibration The orbit is 1700 to 1630 wide Because of its wide track length and center of gravity, it can work safely even in high places For convenience, radio.MP 3.12 v City chirp.The chair on board There is. All functions are perfectly functional and the Sungbu complaint work vehicle is recognized by all farms, so it is far more usable, convenient, and safe than other machines The selling price is 10 million won You can come and test-drive it yourself and purchase it, or you can deliver it to all local freight services) (🎈.판매물품 :동양3840트랙터 38마력 (본기.로터리) 🎈.판매지역 :전북 🎈.판매가격 :200만원 🎈.전화번호 :010 4916 5977 🎈.사진(기타): 바로사용가능합니다.이상태로 판매합니다 ) (🎈. Products sold: Dongyang 3840 tractor 38 horsepower (main machine. rotary) 🎈. Sales area: Jeonbuk 🎈. Sales price: 2 million won 🎈. Phone number: 01049165977 🎈.Pictures (Others): Ready to goI'm selling it like this) (미니굴삭기 얀마17 2014년9월식 1500만원 바가지3개.4080시간가동 이형윤 010-3814-8916 ) (Miniature Excavator Yanma 17 September 2014 15 million won 3 rip-offs. 4080 hours of operation Lee Hyung-yoon 010-3814-8916)
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