소개만 시켜주셔도 현금50만원!! 드리겠습니다.
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최고가로 매입합니다.
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) (Hello 500,000 won in cash just by introducing it! I'll give it to you. Even if you burn it in the warehouse regardless of scrap metal, it's broken. 👌 Asia Square Baylor Marcant 45-55-65 regardless of horsepower I buy it at the highest price. Don't be swindled by foreigners You don't have to worry about the bus, the bus, and the car. Contact us at 010-9003-4720 If you leave a message while you are away, I will contact you right away. You can contact us 24 hours a day, so please contact us #SquareBailer #AgriculturalMachineInquiry #NationalCashPurchase #Inquiry #Counseling #Everything in AgriculturalMachine #Acertech #Anywhere in the country #National #24:00 #Contact us #01090034720 #AgriculturalMachine)