서연이네 삼캤습니다
황토 마사토에서.
❤️6년을자라 색깔좋고 이쁘네요. 늦게 캐서 알차고 약성이좋습니다
황토 좋은거 아시지요?
❤️6년근만 가공하는 인삼농협에 수납하고
❤️매년 저희 삼드시는분들의 요청에 홍삼만들고 드시기좋은. 사이즈로 한정판매 합니다
❤️믿을수있는 농가직접재배한 황토토질에서 수확한건강한 6년근을 아주저렴하게 보내드리겠습니다
❤️2만원 상품은. 소량남았습니다
2채이상 무료배송
1채 2만3천
❤️1채 2만5천원
2채이상 무료배송 입니다
대량 구매가능합니다
❤️장사하실분. 대량구매 가능합니다
(6년근 확인증 가능)
❤️선물용 3만2천원짜리 . 구매가능
2채이상 무료배송
38000원 있습니다
2채이상 무료 배송입니다
❤️6년근 확인증서 넣어드립니다
귀한분들께. 선물하세요
선물용. 포장도 이쁘게 해드립니다
6년근 확인증명서 입니다
부모형제 감사한분들께 최고의선물 입니다
올설명절선물은 서연이네 멋진삼으로
❤️토질좀 보세요
뿌리식물은 토질이 중요합니다
❤️삼씨앗 장뇌용묘종 판매합니다
3만원 400그람
5만원 700그람
7만원 1키로그람 입니다
1채7만원 입니다
드실용 포장해드립니다
❤️10만원. 선물용포장
대전광역시 동구 흥룡로37
305. 12 48144
서연이네 새싹인삼키우기
) (#Sales of agricultural products ❤️ Direct transaction by producer Seoyeon's. I swallowed it ❤️ Gochang 6-year-old geun 12,000 pyeong Ginseng was harvested in the red clay of Masato ❤️ The color is nice and pretty after growing for 6 years. It's late to dig, it's full and has good medicinal properties You know red clay is good, right? ❤️ Store in ginseng agricultural cooperative that processes only 6 years ❤️ At the request of the people who eat it every year, it's good to make and eat red ginseng. It's sold only in size ❤️ We will send you 6 years of healthy roots harvested from the loess soil grown directly by reliable farmers at a very low price ❤️01092194843 ❤️ The 20,000 won product is. There's only a small amount left Free delivery of more than 2 units ❤️ Upstairs 23,000 for one house Free delivery of 2 or more units ❤️ 25,000 won for one house Free shipping for more than 2 units You can buy it in bulk ❤️ Who wants to do business? You can buy it in bulk (Six-year-old certificate available) Please contact us ❤️ For gift, 32,000 won. Available for purchase Free delivery of more than 2 units ❤️01092194843 For soaking or for gifts I have 38,000 won Free shipping for more than 2 units ❤️I'll put in a certificate of confirmation for 6 years To those who are precious. Give it to them as a gift For gifts. We also wrap it nicely It's a six-year-old certificate It's the best gift for parents and brothers 750 grams per house This year's present is Seoyeon's cool Sam ❤️ Look at the soil Soil is important for root plants ❤️ Samseed camphor seedlings are sold 01092194843 30,000 won, 400 grams 50,000 won, 700 grams It's 70,000 won, 1 key a seedling for camphor One house is 70,000 won We'll wrap it for you ❤️ 50,000 won ❤️ 70,000 won ❤️100,000 won. Gift wrapping Seller information Son Seoyeon 01092194843 37 Heungryong-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon 305. 12 48144 Raising ginseng from Seoyeon's sprouts)