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(판매자 이덕구
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연락처 010 8908 6648
한성ss기 운반차 입니다
전체적 작동상태좋으며 바로사용하시면됩니다
면세유가능 판매금액 300만원입니다
) (Seller Lee Deokgu Local Europe and America Contact 010890886648 This is Hansung SS carrier The overall operation is good and you can use it right away Duty-free sales amount is 3 million won) (중고 경운기 로타리 있습니다 날은 구입해서 교환하지 못해 드릴수 있어요 문의:010 3879 4111 판매금액:25만원 (날18개포함.볼트.너트) ) (There's a used cultivator rotary I can't give you an exchange because I bought it Inquiries: 01038794111 Sales amount: 250,000 won (including 18 blades).bolt and nut)) (#농산물판매 ❤알려드립니다 인삼씨앗과 장뇌용묘종 파종시기. 입니다 ❤올 햇우량 개갑인삼씨앗. 심는 적기입니다 지금부터 내년 봄까지 파종하시면 됩니다 ❤ 땅이얼기전까지 심으시면됩니다 ❤산이나텃밭에심어놓으시면 내년봄에 새싹이 나옵니다 ❤️장뇌용5년근 화단이나정원에 심어놓으시면. 내년봄ㆍ여름 필요할때마다 뽑아드시고 ❤️멋지고 집에서 심봤다 하실수 있습니다 ❤️빨간멋진열매를 볼수 있습니다 ❤️귀농 준비하시는 분들은 미리 임야에 봄과가을에 씨앗을 심어 놓으시면 귀농후 멋진일이 기다립니다 ❤주문:01092194843 으로 문자주세요 ♡ ❤씨앗3만원 :400그람 ❤ 5만원 : 700그람 ❤ 7만원: 1키로그람 ❤10만원: 1500그람 ❤종이컵1개가 100그람정도입니다 1만원정도입니다 ❤대량 주문도 가능합니다 ❤️장뇌용3년5년된. 멋진묘종 750그람100뿌리 이상 ❤️7만원 입니다 ❤️산과 들 정원에 심어놓은시면. 봄에. 새싹이 다 나옵니다 ❤씨앗 보관은 김치냉장고에 보관하셨다가 심으실때마다 꺼내서 심으시면 좋습니다 수분이 마르지않도록 관리하시면 오래보관하셔도 괜찮습니다 살짝 언듯하여도 꺼내어 심으시면 잘나옵니다^^ ❤️지금부터 땅이얼기전에 심어놓으면 내년봄에 새싹이 다 나옵니다 늦가을 씨앗파종이 정석 입니다 내년봄 놀라운일이 생깁니다 ^^ ❤️심는방법 ❤️토양은 배수성이 아주 좋은 마사토가 좋습니다 토지에 식재시에는 두렁이 약 한뼘정도로 높아야 하며 살짝 경사진 땅이 최상입니다 산에서는 활엽수 그늘이 좋습니다 화분은 키가 높은 화분이심으시면 좋습니다 화단은 경사지게 흙을 돋우시고서 가장 높은 자리에 식재를 하시면 배수에 좋습니다 파종후 낙엽을덮어주거나 지푸라기나 왕겨를 덮어주시면 더욱좋습니다^^ ❤️01092194843으로 연락주세요 개갑된 씨앗입니다 우량씨앗으로 개갑해놓았습니다 산에 심어놓으시면 좋겠지요 3년에서 5년된 장뇌용묘종 드실용 포장해드립니다 보신용 5만원 7만원 포장 해드립니다 봄에 나온 씨삼새싹입니다 묘종으로 심은삼입니다 ❤늦가을 밭에 씨앗 파종한것입니다 5년근 입니다 밭에서 자라고 있는삼입니다 5년묘종 입니다 4ㅡ5년근 묘종도 늦가을 심어놓으시면 봄에 멋지게 새싹이 나옵니다 판매자정보 상호 :서연이네새싹인삼키우기 대표자:손미순 연락처:01092194843 사업자:305 12 48144 주소: 대전광역시 동구 흥룡로37 종자업등록:제13-금산군2015-70-11호 등록번호:148-66-00045 이메일:linboss1@naver.com ) (#Sales of agricultural products ❤ I'll let you know the sowing season for ginseng seeds and camphor seedlings It is. ❤ This year's new crop of ginseng seeds. It's the right time to plant You can sow from now until next spring ❤ You can plant the land until it freezes ❤ If you plant it in a mountain or garden, There will be sprouts next spring ❤️ If you plant it in a 5-year-old flower bed or garden for camphor. Pick one whenever you need it next spring and summer ❤️ You can say that you planted it at home ❤️ You can see great red fruits ❤️ If you are preparing to return to farming, plant seeds in the forest in advance in spring and autumn After you return to farming, something wonderful awaits you ❤ Order: 01092194843 Please text ♡ ❤ Seed 30,000 won: 400 grams ❤ 50,000 won: 700 grams ❤ 70,000 won: 1 key view ❤100,000 won: 1500 grams ❤ One paper cup is about 100 grams It's about 10,000 won ❤ Bulk orders are also available ❤️ It's been 3 years and 5 years old. a fine seedling 750 gram 100 roots or more ❤️ It's 70,000 won ❤️If you plant it in the mountains and fields. In the spring. All the sprouts come out ❤ It is recommended to store seeds in the kimchi refrigerator and take them out whenever you plant them You can keep it for a long time if you take care of it so that the moisture doesn't dry up Even if it's slightly flat, it'll come out well if you take it out and plant it^^ ❤️ From now on, if you plant the land before it freezes, next spring All the sprouts are coming out It's the standard seed sowing in late autumn Next spring, something amazing will happen ^^ ❤️ Planting method ❤️ The soil is highly drained by Masato It sounds good. When planting on land, it's about a handful of sea snails It needs to be high and the slightly sloping land is the best It's good to have broad-leaved shade in the mountains If you plant a tall plant, It sounds good. The flower bed is sloping up the soil It's good for drainage if you plant it at the highest place After sowing, it's better if you cover it with fallen leaves, straws, or chaff^^ Please contact ❤️ 01092194843 It's a seed that's turned into a shell It's covered with blue seeds It would be nice if you planted it in the mountains a three- to five-year-old seedling We'll wrap it for you Bosung 50,000 won to 70,000 won It's a spring sprout I planted it as a seedling ❤ Seeds were sown in the field in late autumn It's been 5 years He's growing in the field It's a five-year-old seedling If you plant seedlings that are 4-5 years old in late autumn, they will sprout beautifully in spring Seller information Sangho: Raising ginseng in Seoyeon's sprouts Representative: Son Mi-soon Contact point: 01092194843 Business operator: 305 1248144 Address: 37 Heungryong-ro, Dong-gu, Daejeon, Seed Business Registration: No. 13-Geumsan-gun 2015-70-11 Registration number: 148-66-00045 Email: linboss1@naver.com) ((가격 수정) 기계보시고 사실분에게 가격네고합니다 1350만 본체만 12년식입니다 1039시간 사용 50마력이며 존디어 엔진입니다 (파워셔틀입니다 수평 장치 있고여) 면세유는 서류분실 등록 안되었음 부식 탑쪽에 있습니다 그외에 상태 좋구요 작동 안되는거 없습니다 매연도 안나오고요 뒷유리 도어교체 뒷유리 쇼바교체 본넷 도어 교체 펜벨트 장력조절 완료 연료게이지 수리 승강함 레버 수리 유압벨브 레버 수리 했습니다 앞 전등 한개없음 경기도용인 010-8675-1914 ) ((Modification of Price) Look at the machine and I'll tell you the price 13.5 million. Only the main body It's 12 years old. 1039 hours It's 50 horsepower and a John Deere engine (It's a power shuttle.) There's a horizontal device Tax-free oil is not registered in the document loss It's near the Corrosion Tower Other than that, he's in good condition Nothing's not working There's no smoke Rear window door replacement Replace the rear window shoba Replace Bonnet Door Pen belt tension adjustment complete Repair of fuel gauge Repair elevator lever The hydraulic valve lever has been repaired Not a single front light Yongin, Gyeonggi Province 010-8675-1914) (포터2 더블캡용 캠핑 탑 판매합니다 신품 구매하여 한번 사용후 바빠서 가지 못해서 판매합니다 짱짱하게 만들었습니다 지게차 발도 들어가게 만들었구요 살짝 개조하시고 하면 완전 멋집니다 상태 좋구요 자세한건 연락주세요 580받겠습니다 네고는 기름값 빼드립니다 010-8675-1914 용인 ) (We're selling a camping tower for Porter 2 double caps I can't go because I'm busy after buying a new product and using it once I made it really well I made the forklift feet go in If you change it a bit, it's really cool It's in good condition. Please contact me for more information I'll take 580 The negotiation will deduct the price of the price of gas 010-8675-1914 Yongin)
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